Saturday, 15 September 2007

The Beginning...

Well you've got to start somewhere and sometime.

What is really going on out there? What are the essential changes, beneath the world of appearances? What tale do you see being told right now? Mundane astrology has always fascinated me the most. It is to imagine the whole world as an organism, its rhythmic life processes rippling around the sphere like waves of excitation in neural tissue. It is to observe the ebbs and flows in the tidal waters of the world soul, the Anima Mundi.

Stay tuned - I will post soon about the Libra Equinox.



  1. Hey 37
    Well done, will spread the word and send logo with balck background didn't realize, tTroy will hook to website manana,
    Cia- o

  2. Hey agent37,
    Just been looking at the Astro - Chart for Myanmar/Burma, the only chart in Nick Campion's book of world horoscopes, for independence on Jan 4 1948, 4:20am Rangoon, "the hour having been chosen by Burmese Astrologers as auspicious" no doubt a sideareal astrologers view, but many interesting astrological transits happening, that I thought I'd post.
    1st transiting Uranus sits on the IC, with Jupiter returning for the 2nd transit in 1st house, with natal Jupiter being squared exactly by transiting Uranus. Venus and her rx cycle have been hovering around natal Saturn and Pluto conjunction in Leo in the 9th, with the last opposition of Saturn Neptune, exactly on the Burmese natal Saturn. The progressions are also very interesting, prog Moon moves to conjunct prog Jupiter in 1st house, with transiting Pluto exactly conjunct Prog Jupiter.Also prog Moon now opposite natal Uranus in 7th.
    With such strong images of the monks,jup/Sag, and the people-moon,combining to change their world, and trying to transform and fight against the military regime upon them which is also reflected in the energies present in the 1st house, which governs the military, the battle is not easily won, so lets send our positive thoughts to those people in Burma now going through hell.With natal Uranus in the 7th house, do you think the change will come from the outside world? Much more in the chart to look at too.

  3. Thanks for your comments, 12. I was going to publish a short article on Burma's chart in the next few days, as soon as I get some time.

    I certainly do see the transits and progressions you have outlined, and the image of the monks rebelling is very fitting for the current Jupiter-Uranus square, amplified by the connection to Burma's natal Jupiter-MC/IC square. I think the current Jupiter-Uranus square is showing up in widespread restlessness and impatience with slow pace of change; also with unexpected advancements or explosions of righteous feeling.

    I read in Marc Penfield's book 'Horoscopes of Asia, Australia and the Pacific' that not only were astrologers asked to elect the national chart, but that the national capital, Rangoon or Yangon, was relocated to Pyinmana in late 2005 on the advice of astrologers who predicted that the government would fall if the capital was not moved! Not sure what methods those astrologers were using - the angles barely move with the change.

    I hope to do a post on this subject in the next few days.

