Monday, 8 March 2010

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Events in Greece, and Internationally

It is almost as if it has been set up as an example; or, if not, as the first of a great series of falls, spectacular collapses of such proportion that they reverberate around the world, like the recent earthquake in Chile.

The land of such central historical importance to the whole project of Western civilization is teetering on the brink, and there seems to be no positive outlook ahead.

The global capitalist society is moving into a new phase, not just weapons and disaster profiteering, but impinging directly on the sovereignty of the nation-state.

People are frightened – there is great instability prevailing. When masses of people, whole populations, become united in rage, the force unleashed is of immense potency, sending tremors through the planet, with their cascades of spin-off emergencies in their wake.

We’re practically at the Cardinal Climax now – 4 months to go. Watch the first 8 degrees of cardinal, everywhere – in people, in places, in political structures, in economic structures – as the vast tsunami of concentrated initiative lifts and carries away all in its path.

Greece is in ferment; massive strikes, riots, civil disobedience.

Look at the chart for the modern Greek state. Isn’t that Piscean Jupiter up at the midheaven so symbolic of the nation famous for its age-old seafaring culture, philosophically sophisticated, echoing perenially in the deep bass of our cultural soundscape, providing the backdrop to so much of our assumptions about the universe, like the root contextualizing the chord?

So much in first-decanate cardinal points: Moon, Venus and Pluto, all being hit by transiting Pluto, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter. That’s the Moon (the people and their needs, the feeling of being Greek, belonging, and protecting the nation, popular opinion), Venus (wealth, property, resources, fairness, justice, relationships) and Pluto (organised crime, putocracy, deep power, urge to ruthlessly transform).

Look at Mars, about to station direct on the chart’s Sun. Flaring up and adding the dry hotness of flame to the already fiery spirit of sovereignty.

And transiting Uranus sitting on the midheaven, as revolutionary shocks are crackling around Athens like bolts of lightning on the Acropolis.

And the Chiron-Neptune conjunction exactly opposite Mars – this is real anger at the shameful pain of being done over, of being duped by gangsters in suits, and the feeling of being attacked by something which is turning out to be a conspiracy of such vast proportions that it exhausts belief.

Points in the first cardinal decanates are also prominent in other charts that are resonating like a cacophany of bells at the moment. Look at these tables to see. More anon.